
由美國作家 Louisa May Alcott在1868年 所撰寫的《小婦人》(Little Women),近日再次被搬上大銀幕,而且還入選「第92屆奧斯卡最佳影片入圍名單」; 導演葛莉塔潔薇(Greta Gerwig)與Louisa May Alcott細膩的筆觸糅合,演繹出女生不受傳統枷鎖、無畏無懼地追求夢想、愛情與自由,當中的電影對白卻讓人醍醐灌頂,又有沒有哪一句說到你心坎裡呢?

1. 「雖然我的夢想與你不一樣,但這不代表不重要。」
“Just because my dreams are different than yours, it doesn’t mean they’re unimportant”—— Meg

2. 「我認為女人由思考與靈魂,不單單只是感情;她們同樣擁有志向、才華,不單單只是漂亮。我厭倦別人說,女人只懂談情說愛。」
“Women, they have minds, and they have souls, as well as just hearts. And they’ve got ambition, and they’ve got talent, as well as just beauty. I’m so sick of people saying that love is all a woman is fit for.” ——Jo

3. 「我寧願做一個能照顧自己和自由的老姑婆。」
“I’d rather be a free spinster and paddle my own canoe.” ——Jo

4. 「我幾乎每天也會很生氣,但我學會了不表現出來。」
“I am angry nearly every day of my life, but I’ve learnt not to show it.”——Marmee 

5. 「世界不停打壓有志向的女生。」
” The world is hard on ambitious girls.” —— Amy