
推遲出外度假 陳豪陳茵媺一家五口留家露營

疫情再度嚴峻,陳豪與陳茵媺一家原本打算出外度假,因此也要推遲,Aimee忽發奇想留家「度假」,在家中搭上帳篷露營,她在IG發布照片,寫道:「Due to the current situation, we postponed our staycation vacation and decided to ease the munchkins disappointment by doing a 「camping trip」 since Sunday in our living room.Filled with daily 「camping food」 and outdoor excursions. Thank goodness, they are having a blast! Secretly I am too!」陳豪與Aimee擁着子女梓燁、浩鋒、凱婷,拿着圖書講故事,相當溫馨,三位小人兒吃着至愛的朱古力夾心餅乾,笑容燦爛,十分興奮。宋熙年留言讚他們可愛,Aimee則道出媽媽的心聲:「希望他們不要長大得太快!」李施嬅與胡定欣對這個「戶外旅行」很感興趣,想一起參與。鍾嘉欣留言:「Like my daughter Kelly would say 『 that’s a great idea!’」
