許冠傑兒子許懷欣及懷谷趁着父親節,分別在IG貼上與爸爸的合照,祝父親節快樂,Ryan寫道:「Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there!! Much love to my dad who always shared with us his love of creativity and music. Glad we can still jam together…」Ryan感謝爸爸時常與他分享音樂及創作,又開心可以繼續jam歌;懷谷:「Happy Father’s Day to #dad Pic From #1995 to #2020 We’ve been through a lot together and glad to see this family keep on growing. It feels awesome to be a #manchild for my kids too lol which @idahuilam has so much to deal with hahah」懷谷分享九五年至今與爸爸的合照,又有三代同堂的照片,相當溫馨。有人留言覺得Ryan很幸運,有一個偉大的父親,亦有人大讚懷谷的家庭照夠溫馨。