Kirsten上載囡囡剛出世的照片,並寫上︰「It’s been 9 months since you were in my tummy, and now we welcome you to this world. As you explore the world, you are yearning in wonder. To my dearest baby girl Tilda, mommy wants you to grow up healthy and well. Me and daddy hopes that you will be successful in your own journey! (歡迎寶貝女兒Tilda,你在我肚子裏已經9個月了,我們歡迎你來到這個世界。當你探索世界時,你會渴望奇蹟。我最親愛的女兒Tilda,媽媽希望你健康成長。我和爸爸希望你在自己的道路上能成功!)」
利愛安雖然是落選港姐,但曾演出過不少劇集,包括《愛‧回家》中飾演菲傭姐姐,亦有在《寵愛Pet Pet》及《你好,我的大夫》中客串。去年8月她宣布懷孕,隨後亦暫停了幕前的工作。