
【平民英雄 ‧ 攝影圖輯(上)】在照片中,你看到了自己




In the street, Kam Mui met two kinds of people, the sympathetic and the hostile. She is a sympathetic, delighted to connect with strangers, even just transiently, thereby helping to render this world a less lonely planet. Not only does Kam Miu sweep the streets clean, she removes the dirt from my soul as well. Kam Mui is the Good Witch with a powerful broomstick.

Suisai Kinlon(阿朗)



King Bhumibol is a religion to Ah Long, encouraging her to treasure every tiny bit of reward in her life. Even though the world is not designed to satisfy her need, she does choose a satisfactory view of the world. She can even choose to hope even in a hopeless world. Ah Long is free and invincible.

Samira Pradhan


Samira did not know that she was beautiful. And she was skeptical about my compliment. But before long, my presence became an opportunity for her to recount the happy life in her homeland. That was how I redeemed her trust and earned the right to see her true identity. Samira is Cinderella.




Ah Keung was wearing a twisted giggle of Sean Lau. He told me about himself as if we were gossiping. He had to distant himself from the agony of the past in order to maintain his sanity, to subdue the pain that fate had inicted upon him. Ah Keung is a sad comedian.



阿寶帶我參觀他居住了三年的家, 那是一個公園。他是一個可以信賴的嚮導,領我到一些平日讓他避過風雨和嚴寒的地方, 那些都是人迹罕至的角落。阿寶是一座燈塔。

Ah Po gave me a tour in a park where he could dwell overnight for the last 3 years. He took me to some obscure corners that offered shelter from the bitter cold of winter and refuge from the flooding rain of summer. He was my trustworthy guide in this unchartered territory of the
night. Ah Po is a beacon.


Vanessa無法再返回自己的家鄉菲律賓。她曾經被一名與軍人有密切關係的男子長期強姦及禁錮, 逃到香港當家庭傭工, 那男子威脅她,若她返回菲律賓,他會殺死她。


Vanessa looked fragile and tired. I wondered where she derived the strength to catch her next breath. Yet in her eyes there was a flame of
resilience that refused to relinquish hope. In fact, her hope was far from remote; it was sitting right beside her. For her daughter, there is no other option. Vanessa has to are as a woman of steel.




When I met Ajith in the evening, he appeared out of nowhere, somehow like a vigilante wearing the cloak of an unassuming civilian. But the agility of his piercing eyes betrayed the ferocious soldier lurking behind him. Sometimes one has to crouch in the dark in order to serve the light of justice. Ajith is the dark knight.



面對身體與靈魂與生俱來的割裂、錯置, 望着鏡子都感面目模糊,原是「她」的Sho,上年進行了性別重置手術, 成為了「他」。這一次拍攝,剎那的光影讓Sho看見自己真正的輪廓。他說:「我感動着卻又不知如何表達這份激動,除了一句又一句的多謝外,也沒什麼可以說。但願看到照片的一天,那份感動都能帶給別人。」

Sho has walked many paths. Each of them always brought him to a halt in a cross road where he had to decide again the next direction of his move. Every decision, every move adds weight to the substance of his life. There is no room for confusion or frustration, just different twists in a main plot dening who he would become. Sho is a legend.




Joanne is simple, never went astray from an ideal that has befriended her from afar through tons of barricades. Her goal might seem an impossible dream, an unreachable star. Yet it doesn’t bother her at all. The dream only gives her a ride in a never-ending story. Joanne is a dream chaser.

攝影/英文圖片說明 ‧ 陳德廉
統籌/中文圖片說明 ‧ 蕭曉華
協力 ‧  鄭祉愉、李雨夢、伍詠欣
鳴謝 ‧ 香港婦女勞工協會、香港展能藝術會、香港社區組織協會、香港罕見疾病聯盟